Advocating for the natural environment, scenic beauty, historic and rural character of the Quamichan Lake neighbourhood and for the collective stewardship of the Quamichan Lake watershed.

Our Goals

  • Ecological Integrity

    To promote the protection and enhancement of the rare and endangered ecosystems and species found within the Quamichan Lake watershed, such as the Garry Oak Savannah.

  • Community

    To create a sense of community through engagement and by providing a voice for the Quamichan Lake Neighbourhood community on issues of concern.

  • Collaboration

    To facilitate dialogue and engagement with the Municipality of North Cowichan, the Cowichan Valley Regional District and other associations and levels of government, on matters which will affect our community.


  • Engage BC Minister for the Environment and Climate Change to help finance solutions to remediate Q. Lake

  • Support the Municipality of North Cowichan to prioritize the creation of a new Zoning Bylaw

  • Advocate for the creation of a more robust Noise Bylaw

  • Continue to monitor impacts of Kingsview at Maple Bay development activities on watershed ecology and on demands on existing infrastructure for residents


  • Follow the implementation of the Municipality of North Cowichan’s Master Transportation Plan

  • Seek opportunities to collaborate with other Community Associations on issues of common interest

  • Seek to deepen our understanding of Indigenous history and sites of cultural significance within the Quamichan Lake Watershed

  • Consider benefits of creating a more formal Local Area Plan for the Quamichan watershed region